Results 291 - 300 of 563
Image Date Title

Ecosystems: Functions, Sustainability and Management

Author : Sierra Adkins

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161930

Ecosystems are communities made of biotic and abiotic components, which interact within the system through energy flows and nutrient cycles. Ecosystems are complex as they involve interactions between

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Environmental Health: Protection and Sustainability

Author : Millie Donovan

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162234

Environmental health is a branch of public health, which studies all aspects of the natural and built environment that affect human health. Five significant disciplines are integral to the field of environmental

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Environmental Quality, Monitoring and Management

Author : Meghan Higgins

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162180

Environmental quality refers to the measure of the environmental condition relative to human need and the requirements of one or more species. It is understood with respect to the natural and the built

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Environmental Remote Sensing

Author : Fred Byron

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161848

The science and technology of environmental remote sensing refers to the use of aircraft- and satellite-based sensors to gather information about the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, glaciers, etc. It is different

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Environmental Science and Management: A Statistical Perspective

Author : Bernie Goldman

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161640

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences to study the environment and develop solutions for environmental problems. The study of

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Forest Ecology and Conservation

Author : Pierre Simone

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161008

The in-depth study of the diverse species of flora and fauna with respect to an ecosystem is known as forest ecology. The direct consequence of widespread deforestation and human encroachment has been

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Global Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation

Author : Dahlia Walton

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161756

The measure of biodiversity or the total variability of life forms on Earth is known as global biodiversity. Extinction and speciation have a substantial effect on global biodiversity. Besides these, some

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Global Warming: Understanding Climate Change

Author : Daisy Mathews

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641160551

Decades of industrial growth and deforestation has resulted in many hazardous environmental effects like ozone depletion, global warming, etc. Climate change is a result of increasing global warming levels.

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Green Nanotechnology

Author : Jeff Norton

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161336

Green nanotechnology is the field that is concerned with the application of nanotechnology for environmental sustainability. It aims to minimize potential environmental and human health risks associated

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Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems

Author : Allison Sergeant

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641160582

Hydrology as a scientific field is concerned with the study of existence, properties, quality and distribution of water on Earth. It branches out into subdomains of surface water, ground water and marine

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Results 291 - 300 of 563