Results 271 - 280 of 563
Image Date Title

Understanding Global Warming

Author : Declan Hernandez

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164610

The gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth is known as global warming. It also refers to the ongoing increase in global surface temperature which is happening primarily due to human activities.

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Understanding Sustainable Development

Author : Miles Glover

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164368

Sustainable development refers to the organizing principle to meet the human development goals while concurrently sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide ecosystem services and natural resources.

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Waste Management Handbook

Author : Lydia Hemsworth

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164344

Waste management refers to the actions and activities through which waste is managed from its origin to its final disposal. It involves the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste.

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Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse

Author : Gabriel Craig

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162661

Wastewater is a combination of water and water-transported wastes from domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural sites. It also includes surface and storm water inflow, and groundwater infiltration

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Wastewater Management: Theory and Practice

Author : Gabriel Craig

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641163217

Wastewater management is a procedure that is used to remove contaminants from sewage or waste water and convert it into an effluent that can later be reused. The main objective of waste water treatment

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Water and Wastewater Treatment

Author : Joseph Welker

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164627

Water treatment is the process of improving water quality by removing contaminants and other undesired components, so that it becomes suitable for specific end-use. There are two types of water treatment,

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Water Quality: Monitoring and Assessment

Author : Stephanie Fraser

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641163002

The biological, radiological, chemical and physical traits of water are known as water quality. It is a measure of the water condition related to the requirements of biotic species and to human need. The

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Water Resources Engineering

Author : Katherine Potter

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164337

The natural resources of water that can be used for different purposes are referred to as water resources. It can be used in various household, industrial, agricultural and environmental activities. The

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Air Pollution: Measurement, Impacts and Control

Author : Kylan Wilkins

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162272

When excessive quantities of pollutants or harmful substances such as particulates, gases, etc. are introduced into the Earth's atmosphere, it leads to air pollution. It is damaging to the natural and

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Air Quality: Modeling and Assessment

Author : Frieda Bush

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641161879

Air quality is deteriorated when harmful particulates, biological molecules and gases are present in excessive quantities in the Earth's atmosphere. Such air has a harmful effect on living organisms, food

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Results 271 - 280 of 563