Results 5401 - 5410 of 7198
Image Date Title

Food Contamination: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Author : Cindy Featherstone

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781682866856

Food contamination is the degradation of food quality due to the presence of harmful chemicals and microorganisms. This field encompasses the scientific study of food contaminants, their types and methods

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Food and Health: Nutrition Science and Technology

Author : Logan Bowman

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781682867099

Nutrition is the science that studies the effect of nutrients on the growth, reproduction and maintenance of the body, including health and disease. A healthy diet is largely achieved by the preparation

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Floods: Impacts and Risk Management

Author : Symon Foster

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781682867082

A flood is a natural disaster that refers to the overflow of water from water bodies like rivers, seas or oceans leading to a submersion of land. Floods usually occur as a result of an ecological disturbance.

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Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology

Author : Halsey Parkinson

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682867235

Fisheries science, a branch of aquatic ecology, undertakes the scientific study of fisheries. Fisheries are harvested for commercial purposes. The fish harvested can be marine, freshwater, wild or farmed.

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Fertilizers and Pesticides: Assessment and Applications

Author : Edwin Tan

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682867075

Fertilizers are natural or artificial substances that are applied to the soil or plant tissues to facilitate the growth of the plant by providing essential nutrients. They also enhance the water retention

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Farm Animals: Health and Management

Author : Johann Casini

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682867938

Farm animals are domesticated animals that are raised to produce labor and commodities like, eggs, milk, wool, and meat, etc. These include cattle, goats, swine, poultry, etc. To maintain the health of

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Exercise and Sports Science: Advanced Concepts and Practices

Author : Albert Plummer

Subject : Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781682867341

Exercise is a physical activity that enhances physical fitness, and maintains overall health and wellness. It is essential for the prevention of aging, strengthening of muscles, honing athletic skills

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Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts and Applications

Author : Lauren Acosta

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781682867952

The study of the changes in an organism's genome expressed with time and the influence the organism's evolutionary past has on it, is studied under evolutionary genetics. Such changes occur within and

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Evolutionary Biology: Concepts and Methods

Author : Jesse Santos

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781682868393

Evolutionary biology studies the evolutionary processes of common descent, natural selection and speciation for an understanding of the rich biodiversity of life on Earth. Evolution is a unifying concept

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Evolutionary Biology: Applied Principles

Author : Maia Gustin

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781682867969

Evolutionary biology is a subfield of biology, concerned with the study of the evolutionary processes that cause diversity of life on Earth. The most significant evolutionary processes are natural selection,

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Results 5401 - 5410 of 7198