Results 5391 - 5400 of 7198
Image Date Title

Geoscience and Geosystems

Author : Joe Carry

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781682866573

Geoscience refers to the study of the planet Earth. It encompasses all phenomena and physical characteristics of Earth. It uses other fields of science as research tools for developing scientific models

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Genomics: Principles and Analysis

Author : Jamie Spooner

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781682867129

A genome is the complete genetic code of an organism. The science of genomics deals with the study of genomes along with their function, structure, evolution and manipulation. High throughput DNA sequencing

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Genomics and Proteomics: Functional and Computational Aspects

Author : Miguel Rudolph

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781682867655

The study of the mapping, function, structure, evolution and editing of genomes is studied under genomics. Genes direct the production of proteins through enzymes and messenger molecules. Research in genomics

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Genetics and Genomics: Concepts and Applications

Author : Rosanna Mann

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781682867112

Genomics is the science that studies the structural, functional and evolutionary aspects of the entire set of genes of an organism. The interdisciplinary study of genetics and genomics investigates the

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Genetic Management of Animals

Author : Dominic Fasso

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781682866566

Animal genetics is the study of the genes and heredity traits amongst animals. It involves the breeding and genetic manipulation of superior quality animals primarily to achieve disease resistance. It

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Fruit Production: Horticultural Practices

Author : Pearl Hunter

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682867105

Horticulture is a scientific field concerned with the production of vegetables, flowers and fruits. Some of its significant aspects include plant conservation, garden design, arboriculture, soil management,

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Forests: Ecology, Diversity and Conservation

Author : Pierre Simone

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682866559

Forests form a primary ecosystem of our planet. They are responsible for almost 75% of the gross primary productivity of the Earth's biosphere. Temperate, boreal, tropical forests are some of the most

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Forest Planning and Management

Author : Pierre Simone

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682866542

Forest management is concerned with the administration of forests and development of effective methods of forest conservation. It is a sub-discipline of forestry. All the diverse aspects related to the

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Food Production and Processing: Fermentation, Nutritional Value and Quality Control

Author : Albert McCoy

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781682867624

The food industry includes the processes of agriculture, food manufacturing, processing, marketing, distribution, research and development. Food processing refers to the transformation of raw materials

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Food Processing and Preservation Technology

Author : Lisa Jordan

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781682866535

Food processing and preservation is concerned with the transformation of raw or cooked food into products that can be stored, packaged and marketed. The emerging trends in food processing and preservation

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Results 5391 - 5400 of 7198