Results 3811 - 3820 of 7198
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Author : Grace Silva

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781641723640

The utilization of online services and internet to buy and sell products is known as e-commerce and techniques such as supply chain management, electronic data interchange, mobile commerce, electronic

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Ecology: Concepts and Applications

Author : Jaxon Pine

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641724128

Ecology is a biological branch that is concerned with the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. It primarily focuses on the biotic and abiotic components of the organisms'

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Earth's Biosphere

Author : Evan Blair

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641724074

The biosphere is a closed system which includes all the other ecosystems. It is a self-regulating system. It encompasses all living beings and their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, hydrosphere,

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Earth Science: A Comprehensive Approach

Author : Adam Rush

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641724685

The set of natural sciences which focuses on the planet Earth are known as earth science. It primarily deals with studying the physical characteristics of Earth. There are four major areas of study within

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Digital Libraries: Theory and Practice

Author : Floriana Crawford

Subject : Education

ISBN :9781641725132

The online database of the digital objects that includes videos, audios, texts, still images and other digital media formats is referred to as a digital library. The two major types of digital libraries

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Differential Equations

Author : Sofia Lynch

Subject : Mathematics and Statistics

ISBN :9781641724937

A mathematical equation which relates some function with its derivatives is known as a differential equation. While applying a differential equation, the physical quantities are represented by functions

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Developmental Biology

Author : Laila Prady

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781641724500

The study of the processes that enable animals and plants to grow and develop is referred to as developmental biology. It encompasses various fields of biology such as the biology of regeneration, asexual

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Customer Relationship Management

Author : Hazel Nelson

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781641723718

Customer relationship management refers to an approach for the management of the interaction of a company with current and potential customers. It utilizes data analysis about customers' history with a

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Crop Production: Techniques and Technology

Author : Lauren Ingram

Subject : Agriculture and Plant Science

ISBN :9781641723428

A crop is a plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit or subsistence. Mostly crops are cultivated in agriculture and aquaculture. The important processes used in crop production include

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Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice

Author : Korey Maximilian

Subject : Social Sciences

ISBN :9781641724982

The use of psychological methods to help a person change their behavior is known as psychotherapy. It is aimed at improving an individual’s mental health, resolve troublesome behaviors, and improve relationships

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Results 3811 - 3820 of 7198