Results 1201 - 1210 of 7198
Image Date Title

Wastewater Management: Theory and Practice

Author : Gabriel Craig

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641163217

Wastewater management is a procedure that is used to remove contaminants from sewage or waste water and convert it into an effluent that can later be reused. The main objective of waste water treatment

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Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse

Author : Gabriel Craig

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641162661

Wastewater is a combination of water and water-transported wastes from domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural sites. It also includes surface and storm water inflow, and groundwater infiltration

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Waste Management Handbook

Author : Lydia Hemsworth

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164344

Waste management refers to the actions and activities through which waste is managed from its origin to its final disposal. It involves the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste.

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Veterinary Science and Medicine

Author : Aston Gunn

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781641164214

The branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and disorders in animals is referred to as veterinary science and medicine. It focuses on all species of animals

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Veterinary Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach

Author : Gerardo Bailey

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781641162890

The branch of medicine which deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals is known as veterinary medicine. It has a broad scope, ranging from domesticated

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Veterinary Infection: Prevention and Control

Author : Ryan Jaxon

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781641162791

Infectious diseases of animals are a substantial hazard to animal health and welfare, with implications for agronomic health, food supply and economy. Changes in agricultural practices and global climate

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Veterinary Immunology

Author : Kalus Wagner

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781641163309

Immunology is a discipline of biology that deals with the study of immune system in organisms. Veterinary immunology is the domain of biomedical sciences that focuses on the study of all aspects of immune

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Vertebrate Zoology

Author : Toby Marquez

Subject : Zoology

ISBN :9781641164740

The biological discipline that focuses on the study of vertebrate animals is known as vertebrate zoology. The animals with a backbone such as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals collectively called

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Vegetable and Fruit Farming

Author : Harriet Sawyer

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641164184

The production of vegetables and fruits for human consumption is known as vegetables and fruits farming. The most common types of farmed vegetables are fabaceae, solanaceae, allium, carrots and lettuce.

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Understanding Volcanology

Author : Ben Simmons

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641164160

The rupture in the crust of a planet such as Earth, which allows hot lava, gases and volcanic ash to escape from a magma chamber beneath the surface, is called a volcano. The discipline which is involved

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Results 1201 - 1210 of 7198