Results 231 - 240 of 501
Image Date Title

Crop Production: Methods and Technologies

Author : Stanley Hill

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163187

Crops are plants that are grown and harvested for food or fodder. Non-food crops are also cultivated in floriculture or horticulture or for industrial purposes. Crop production systems vary from farm to

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Dairy Science and Technology

Author : Gavin White

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163910

Dairy refers to the business enterprise which deals with the harvesting and processing of animal milk from animals such as cows, goats, buffaloes and sheep. The branch of science which focuses on the production

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Fisheries Management

Author : Summer Walter

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163927

Fisheries management is an activity that focuses on the protection of fishery resources to enable sustainable exploitation. It involves the application of concepts from fisheries science. The management

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Floriculture: Principles and Practices

Author : Violet Dalton

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163965

The discipline which is concerned with the cultivation of ornamental as well as flowering plants for the floral industry is termed as floriculture. There are numerous types of crops which are dealt with

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Food and Energy Security: Challenges and Concerns

Author : Ivy McCallum

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163538

The availability of food and the ability of individuals to access it is measured by food security. The food is required to be safe and nutritious in order to be considered under this category. The four

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Food Safety and Security

Author : Ellis Simmons

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641162555

A scientific discipline that describes the careful preparation, handling and storage of food to prevent food-borne illness is called food safety. It includes a number of routines that should be followed

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Handbook of Plant Classification and Biodiversity

Author : Matthew Taylor

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163064

Plant classification is the practice of placing known plants into categories or groups in order to establish a relationship. It follows a system of rules that standardizes the results and the group's successive

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Insecticides and Pesticides: Methods for Crop Protection

Author : Zoe Wordsworth

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163873

Insecticides and pesticides are substances that are used to kill insects and control pests respectively. Insecticides involve the usage of ovicides against the eggs of the insects and larvicides against

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Introduction to Botany

Author : Melody Sawyer

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163859

Botany is a biological field which focuses on the study of plant life. It makes use of diverse techniques and methods such as optical microscopy, live-cell imaging, analysis of chromosome number, electron

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Introduction to Horticulture

Author : Damien Miller

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641164399

The agriculture of plants primarily for food, materials and beauty is termed as horticulture. It involves the cultivation and processing of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. It also includes

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Results 231 - 240 of 501