Results 101 - 110 of 501
Image Date Title

Plant Science: Biology and Growth

Author : Austin Balfour

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865859

The branch of biology which studies plants is known as plant science. The structure, growth, reproduction, taxonomy and evolution of plants are some of the primary areas studied under plant science. This

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Principles and Techniques of Horticulture

Author : Elijah Baxter

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865866

Horticulture as field of agricultural science is concerned with the technology, art, business and science of growing and maintaining plants. Some of the main areas of horticulture are garden design, arboriculture,

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Principles of Agricultural Economics

Author : Adler Bryant

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865873

Agricultural economics applies the principles of economics to help in the maximization of production of food. It focuses on the use of land and crop yield for the purpose of maintaining a balanced soil

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Principles of Plant Breeding

Author : Clive Koelling

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865040

Plant breeding is practiced with the purpose of improving the quality of a plant, to increase its tolerance towards environmental pressures, insects, pests, etc. As a field, it studies the traits of plants

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Soil Nutrition and Soil Fertility

Author : Kye Young

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865880

Soil is the main source of nutrients for the growth of plants. Some of the nutrients obtained from the soil are nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, etc. The fertility of soil depends on the amount of nutrients,

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Soil Science: Natural Resource Management

Author : Donald Cronin

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865897

Soil science is a fast growing field. It deals with soil as a natural resource and studies the physical as well as chemical properties of soil. It also focuses on soil classification on the basis of texture,

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Soil Science: Properties, Fertility and Management of Soil

Author : Bruce Collins

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865699

Soil science is the study of the characteristics and properties of soil. It studies the texture, water content, fertility, biota and acidity of soil. The two main branches of soil science are pedology

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Soil, Plants and Microbes

Author : Henry Wang

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865064

Soil is necessary for the existence of life on Earth. It is a natural element that is necessary for the growth of plants. The interaction between soil, plants and microbes is known as soil ecology. Plants

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Sustainable Agriculture: Principles and Practices

Author : John Williams Barrow

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682865736

Sustainable agriculture aims to meet the growing demands of our society in a sustainable manner. Some practices of sustainable agriculture are minimizing usage of water, recycling crop waste, restoring

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A Modern Approach to Ecology of Plants

Author : Austin Balfour

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682863947

Plant Ecology is a vast field encompassing the study of environmental factors affecting the growth of plants. It also studies the interactions amongst plants as well as those of plants with the environment.

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Results 101 - 110 of 501