Results 971 - 980 of 1573
Image Date Title

Occupational Medicine: Evaluation and Management of Common Health Problems in the Workplace

Author : Kirk Anderson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427946

Occupational medicine is a field of medicine which deals with the maintenance of health in the workplace. It studies the prevention of injuries and diseases in the workplace, along with their treatment.

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Occupational Therapy Interventions

Author : Oscar Alvarez

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426727

Occupational therapy is a type of therapy involving the use of assessment and intervention to recover, develop or maintain the occupations or meaningful activities of people. Occupational therapists usually

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Oncological Medicine: Beyond the Basics

Author : Maria Walters

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427366

"Oncology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. An important domain within oncology is medical oncology, which is a modality of cancer treatment

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Ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Eye Diseases

Author : Anastasia Maddox

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427519

"The diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of the eye is under the scope of ophthalmology. It studies the anatomy and physiology of eyes, along with the diseases related to them. A specialist in the

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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Author : Gideon Schmidt

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632428196

The surgical specialty concerned with the treatment of several disorders and defects in the face, head, neck, jaws, and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region is known as oral and

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Oral Health and Medicine

Author : Edward Thomas

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632426161

Oral infections and inflammations can affect the overall health of the oral cavity. Dentists strongly recommend the maintenance of oral hygiene for the prevention of oral diseases. General guidelines of

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Orthopedics: A Clinical Approach

Author : Elvis Green

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427564

The branch of surgery which deals with the conditions associated with the musculoskeletal system is known as orthopedics. Doctors who have specialized in this field are called orthopedic surgeons. In order

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Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Willard Leopold

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427595

Osteoarthritis is a joint disorder. It results from the breakdown of underlying bone and joint cartilage. Stiffness, joint pain, joint swelling and weakness in the arms and legs are some of its common

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Osteoporosis: A Growing Concern

Author : Reed Spears

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632428592

The disease in which increased bone weakness aggravates the risk of a broken bone is known as osteoporosis. If the bone breaks, it leads to chronic pain and difficulties in carrying out normal activities.

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Otolaryngology: Current Concepts and Techniques in Head and Neck Surgery

Author : Adrien Butler

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632427724

Otolaryngology is a surgical field of medicine which studies the conditions associated with the parts of the head and neck, including the ear, nose and throat. It also deals with the treatment of various

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Results 971 - 980 of 1573