Results 141 - 150 of 1573
Image Date Title

Human Reproductive Biology

Author : Francisco Armstrong

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632417589

The branch of biology which includes the study of reproduction, reproductive systems, sexual development, sexual maturity, endocrinology and fertility is known as reproductive biology. Human reproductive

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Human Retrovirology

Author : Mariana Warne

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416575

The type of RNA viruses which insert a copy of their genome into the DNA of the host cells that they invade, and consequently change the genome of, are called retroviruses. After entering the host cell's

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Immunology of Aging

Author : Isla Pierce

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416421

The gradual decline in the functioning ability of the immune system to respond to the pathogens, brought on by natural age advancement is called immunosenescence. It includes a decline in the host’s

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Infectious Diseases in Children: Clinical Pediatrics

Author : Caroline Francis

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632417343

The diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites are known as infectious diseases. Children are more susceptible to such diseases as they come in contact with a variety of germs. Some of the

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Inflammation: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms

Author : Hazel Saunders

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632418098

The part of the complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli is called inflammation. It is considered to be a protective response involving the blood vessels, immune cells and molecular

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Author : Drake Baldwin

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416100

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are two of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. A group of inflammatory conditions associated with the colon and small intestine

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Remy Bowen

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416148

The disorder related to the inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine is known as inflammatory bowel disease. It is usually diagnosed with the help of colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic

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Intensive Care: Clinical Principles and Practice

Author : Damien Newman

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632415929

Intensive care is the care of extremely ill patients who are struggling with severe and life-threatening illnesses. Such patients require constant attention, proper care, support from special equipments,

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Liver Cirrhosis and Related Diseases: Pathophysiology, Prognosis and Treatment

Author : Dallas Bowman

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416377

Liver cirrhosis is a liver condition in which the liver fails to function properly, due to irreversible liver damage. This is caused by the replacement of normal liver tissue with scar tissue. Some of

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Liver Fibrosis: Symptoms, Mechanisms and Management

Author : Finley Bush

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632416391

When excessive fibrous connective tissue forms in the liver, the condition is termed as liver fibrosis. In its advanced stage, liver fibrosis results in liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension and liver failure.

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Results 141 - 150 of 1573