Results 1171 - 1180 of 1573
Image Date Title

Medical Imaging

Author : Aaron Jackson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424433

Medical imaging is one of the most important diagnostic tools used for early detection of diseases and precisely identifying the affected areas of an organism’s body. Problems related to internal organs

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Medical Imaging: Fundamentals, Tools and Techniques

Author : Aaron Jackson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424402

This book contains some path-breaking studies in the field of medical imaging. It sheds light on some new techniques and latest advances in this field. Medical Imaging refers to the process of visually

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Nephrology: Case Studies

Author : Barbara Mayer

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424365

Optimal functioning of kidneys is essential for leading a healthy life. These maintain and regulate the fluid, electrolyte and acid-base concentration in the body. Nephrology is concerned with diagnosing

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Nephrology: Theory and Practice

Author : Barbara Mayer

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424457

Nephrology is the branch of science that deals with the study of structure, function, diagnosis and treatment of kidney and diseases related to it. It is generally concerned with kidney transplantation,

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New Frontiers in Ophthalmology

Author : Ray George

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424488

This book contains some path-breaking studies in the field of Ophthalmology. Some of the diverse topics covered in it address the varied branches that fall under this category. Ophthalmology is the subfield

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New Frontiers in Otolaryngology

Author : Chad Downs

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424303

Otolaryngology is the branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to ear, nose and throat. It is generally concerned with rhinology, reconstructive and plastic

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Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery

Author : Sam Hurd

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424334

Otolaryngology is one of the oldest specialties of medical science that focuses on diseases related to ear, nose and throat. There is a long list of diseases that can be treated with the help of this discipline;

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Principles and Practice of Dermatology

Author : Heidi Mueller

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424563

Dermatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Skin is the largest organ of body and functions as a cover for internal organs. Due to this it is vulnerable to the damaging effects

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Psychiatry: Issues and Development

Author : Harvey Wilson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424358

Psychiatry as a study deals with treating the human mind. It is referred to the practice of diagnosing and treating various mental disorders. It uses techniques like physical examinations, psychological

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Rheumatology: Advanced Researches and Developments

Author : Mary Kellar

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632424341

Rheumatology is the medical science that is mainly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and problems related to muscles and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, tendinitis,

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Results 1171 - 1180 of 1573