Results 1061 - 1070 of 1573
Image Date Title

Advanced Researches in Medicine

Author : Anthony Clive

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425188

Medicine as a field of science refers to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of varied disorders and diseases. It is a complex study of drugs that are used to treat lethal illnesses like cancer, tumor

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Allergy and Allergic Diseases

Author : Kevin Parker

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425256

The diseases that are caused by the hypersensitivity of the immune system towards organisms or elements present in the environment are known as allergies or allergic diseases. These diseases can cause

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Assessment, Treatment and Care of HIV/AIDS

Author : Chris Stinson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425263

HIV harms the immune system by destroying the white blood cells. Hence, putting an individual at a risk for life-threatening infections. It is transmitted from one individual to another from sexual contact,

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Author : Harvey Wilson

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425270

Autism spectrum disorder is a disorder that causes difficulties in communication and interaction. Some of the characteristics of this disorder are repetitive behavior, sensory issues and cognitive issues.

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Biomechanics in Orthopedics

Author : Jack Burrell

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425287

Bone is the most significant organ of our bodies. The skeletal system provides support and structure to the body and our organs. Bones are also crucial because they store minerals. Orthopedics deals with

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Brain Theory and Neural Networks

Author : John Dalvi

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425294

A biological neural network passes information between receptors and effectors by using electrical impulses. Neural networks are a collection of neurons that allow the body to process various stimuli and

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Cardiovascular Imaging: Modern Methods and Technologies

Author : Mckinsey Harper

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425300

Cardiovascular imaging uses the most advanced technology to take images of the heart. It helps in diagnosing and treating a patient with any cardiovascular disease. Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic

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Causes, Stages and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Author : Lester Price

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425317

Ovarian cancer is caused when abnormal cells multiply and spread in an ovary. The main areas to which the cancer can spread are abdomen, liver, lungs, lymph nodes, bowel and bladder, etc. The treatments

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Clinical Advances in Dentistry

Author : Edgar Weston

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425195

Dentistry is that branch of medicine which deals with the treatment and prevention of various diseases and disorders occurring in the oral cavity and oral mucosa. It is divided into different specialties

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Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment of HIV/AIDS

Author : Roger Mostafa

Subject : Medical Science

ISBN :9781632425324

HIV/ AIDS is transmitted from one person to another by sexual contact, blood transfer or breast milk. It causes the failure of the immune system. It has a number of symptoms such as fever, rash, enlarged

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Results 1061 - 1070 of 1573