Results 221 - 230 of 339
Image Date Title

An Integrated Approach to E-Learning

Author : Albert Traver

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400604

The term ‘E-Learning’ was coined when electronics, with the personal computer, was well-known and internet was still at its infancy. It is now a flourishing term in schools, universities, and SMEs

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Ant Colony Optimization

Author : Julia Pizzo

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400611

Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is the best example of how studies intended at understanding and modeling the behavior of ants and other social insects can inspire the development of computational algorithms

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Applications of Cryptography and Network Security

Author : Stephen Mason

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400659

Cryptography is the essential and efficient ingredient to the recipe of security solutions. With the arrival of new age communication systems and high speed networks in the future, cryptography will have

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Applied Genetic Algorithms

Author : Sam Jones

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400673

Genetic Algorithms (GA) are one of the various methods in the family of evolutionary algorithms that seek answers to developing questions by providing better solutions. Its applications can be observed

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Augmented Reality: Contemporary Applications

Author : Josh Creel

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400727

This book presents an overview on the various applications and implementations of the technology of Augmented Reality in the contemporary world. Augmented Reality (AR) complements Virtual Reality (VR)

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Bayesian Networks Handbook

Author : Mick Benson

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400758

A Bayesian network is also known as a Bayes network, belief network or causal probabilistic network. Bayesian belief networks are effective tools to incorporate different information sources with varying

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Bio-Inspired Computing: Recent Innovations and Applications

Author : Sam Jones

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400819

The book deals with the recent innovations and applications of bio-inspired computing. Bio-inspired computational algorithms are an evolving discipline of research in the genre of artificial intelligence.

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Brain-Computer Interface

Author : Louis George

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400895

This book deals with a class of advanced information regarding brain-computer interface. Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems are like pathways for direct communication between human brain and the computer.

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Business Intelligence for Business Development

Author : Wendy Witte

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400925

This book aims to help specialists in the field of informatics, with preoccupations in development of Business Intelligence systems, and to the beneficiaries of the same systems, comprising an essential

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Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume I)

Author : Helena Walker

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781632400970

Circuits are the fundamentals of all electronic devices. For all those who’re interested in circuits and systems, this book will provide comprehensive knowledge to the reader. Contemporary innovative

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Results 221 - 230 of 339