Results 841 - 850 of 7198
Image Date Title

Forests and Forestry: Diversity and Management

Author : Lee Zieger

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398208

Forestry and forest management are fields that are concerned with the preservation and expansion of forest cover on the earth’s surface. Forests and Forestry are important subjects of study that aid

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Forestry and Agricultural Management

Author : Malcolm Fisher

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632398789

This book on forestry and agricultural management talks about methodological practices followed in pastures and cropland for the cultivation of trees, shrubs and plants. Methods employed in this field

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Forest Ecology

Author : Aduardo Hapke

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632398338

Forest ecology can be defined as the interaction of flora and fauna in forests. Forests can be of various types according to location and climate, and the patterns of conservation, preservation and analysis

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Food Science, Health and Nutrition

Author : Logan Bowman

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632398437

Food science is the science dedicated to the study of food and its characteristics. Nutrition is the science that exemplifies the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food. The aim of this

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Food and Nutrition: A Health Perspective

Author : Dave Stewart

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632398987

This book on food and nutrition deals with the right practices that maintain human health, growth and well-being. Nutrition and dietetics provide dietary patterns that can alleviate problems such as obesity

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Food Allergy: Diagnosis and Management

Author : Kevin Parker

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632398567

Hypersensitivity to certain food items causes food allergy. Certain foods such as peanuts, eggs and milk are the most common allergens. This book on food allergy deals with themes related to clinical manifestations

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Fertilizers: Soil Improvement and Plant Growth

Author : Kye Young

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632397928

This book outlines the benefits and applications of fertilizers in soil and plant growth in detail. Fertilizers are natural or synthetic substances used for enhancing the soil with essential nutrients.

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Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Author : Pablo De Souza

Subject : Orthopedics, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632398444

Exercise science and sports medicine deal with services and treatments availed by athletes who perform under high-levels of stress and intensity. This book deals with topics that are concerned with overall

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Essentials of Sports Nutrition

Author : Peyton Turner

Subject : Orthopedics, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632398970

Sports nutrition refers to the study of food and nutrition in relation to sports and athletic performance. It incorporates the study of various vitamins, minerals, diets, supplements and organic substances

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Essentials of Food Science and Nutrition

Author : Lisa Jordan

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632398420

Food science refers to the study of quality, processing, chemical traits and physical traits and deterioration of food. It unifies the elements of biochemistry, microbiology and chemical engineering for

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Results 841 - 850 of 7198