Results 681 - 690 of 7198
Image Date Title

Orthopedics: An Evidence-Based Approach

Author : Newman Wagner

Subject : Orthopedics,Physical, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632397270

Bones are responsible for providing a firm structure and unhindered movement to human body. Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and bone cells also release a hormone called osteocalcin which

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Orthopedic Traumatology

Author : Sharlton Pierce

Subject : Orthopedics,Physical, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632396501

Orthopedic traumatology refers to the treatment of shock or trauma suffered by a person under extreme circumstances or life threatening events. It consists of two procedures first, assessment of the patient,

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Orthopedic Trauma: Diagnosis, Operative Techniques and Management

Author : Newman Wagner

Subject : Orthopedics,Physical, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632396518

This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of orthopedic trauma. It involves diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedics was usually restricted

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Nutrition: Health and Metabolism

Author : Dave Stewart

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632397119

Nutrition is the branch of science that studies the effect of nutrients present in food on the growth and health of living organisms. Nutrition improves and maintains health and metabolism. Health is the

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Nutrition, Food Safety and Health

Author : Dorothy Green

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632397072

Nutrition deals with studying the interaction of nutrients and their effect on growth and maintenance of the body. Food safety is the branch of science that deals with the effective handling, preparation,

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Nutrition and Metabolism

Author : Dave Stewart

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781632396556

Nutrition studies the interaction of nutrients with other substances present in food while metabolism deals with biochemical transformations occurring inside body cells. They together combine the holistic

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Nursing: Theory, Skills and Practice

Author : Cynthia Wison

Subject : Public Health

ISBN :9781632397744

Nursing is a paramedical profession within healthcare system. It aims at training professionals for providing care for families, communities, and individuals to help them recover to optimal health. It

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Nursing Practice and Healthcare

Author : Cynthia Wison

Subject : Public Health

ISBN :9781632397751

This book traces the progress of the field of nursing, its practice and associated healthcare. It highlights some of its key concepts and applications. Nursing falls under the branch of healthcare and

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New Perspectives in Public Health

Author : Abby Calvin

Subject : Public Health

ISBN :9781632397737

This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of public health and the recent researches in this field. It strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better

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New Frontiers in Rehabilitation Medicine

Author : Esther Henson

Subject : Orthopedics,Physical, Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781632396846

This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to rehabilitation medicine. It explores all the important aspects of this field in the present

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Results 681 - 690 of 7198