Results 5961 - 5970 of 7198
Image Date Title

Encyclopedia of Gas Chromatography: Volume 2 (Selected Applications and New Techniques)

Author : Carol Evans

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381293

This book is a collection of studies on selected applications and new techniques in gas chromatography. Diverse uses varying from basic biological applications to industrial uses have been overviewed in

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Encyclopedia of Gas Chromatography: Volume 1 (New Developments in Diverse Fields)

Author : Carol Evans

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381286

This book is a collection of studies on current advancements and growth in the field of gas chromatography and its applications. Diverse uses varying from basic biological applications to industrial uses

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Encyclopedia of Cellulose

Author : Dwight Cowan

Subject : Engineering & Technology

ISBN :9781632381279

The aim of this book is to provide state-of-the-art information about cellulose to the readers. Depletion of fossil fuels and environmental awareness are the key reasons behind people turning towards

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Encyclopedia of Amino Acids

Author : Gerald Cole

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381262

This book is a compilation of advanced scientific studies from a group of international authors, and has rigorously been reviewed by highly professional experts. This book is mainly focused on researches

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Emergency Management

Author : Cathy Hogan

Subject : Engineering & Technology

ISBN :9781632381255

Emergency management is an intricate practice which can save considerable losses during times of calamity if applied efficiently. In the wake of large-scale disasters that we have seen lately, it is obvious

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Electromotive Force: Principles and Measurements

Author : Elliott Flanagan

Subject : Engineering & Technology

ISBN :9781632381248

Electromotive force (EMF) is described as a measurement of the energy that causes the current to flow through a circuit. This book presents distinct aspects of Electromotive Force Theory and its operations

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Electrolytic Synthesis

Author : Heather Wright

Subject : Engineering & Technology

ISBN :9781632381231

This book is a detailed and comprehensive medium helping students and researchers to understand electrolytic synthesis. The three most important applications of technological electrolysis - water electrolysis

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Electrochemistry: Recent Advances

Author : Jina Redlin

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381224

This book consists of comprehensive information regarding advanced electrochemistry, outlining the physical phenomena instead of the mathematical formalisms of electrochemistry. It provides detailed information

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Electrochemical Science and Technology

Author : Jina Redlin

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381217

Electrochemical science deals with the analysis of chemical reactions occurring at the surface of an electrode. This text presents a selection of topics pertaining to breakthrough procedures applied in

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Effective and Robust Gas Turbines

Author : Eugene Bradley

Subject : Engineering & Technology

ISBN :9781632381200

A descriptive account on the efficiency as well as robustness of gas turbines has been provided in this book. Various topics regarding the evaluation of gas turbines and their engineering operations are

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Results 5961 - 5970 of 7198