Results 5921 - 5930 of 7198
Image Date Title

Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy: Volume III

Author : Lorenzo Jacobs

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381699

This book attempts to understand the multiple concepts and theories that fall under the umbrella of spectroscopy and how such advancements can be useful in our lives. The various projects that are constantly

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Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy: Volume II

Author : Lorenzo Jacobs

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381682

This book attempts to understand the multiple concepts and theories that fall under the umbrella of spectroscopy and how such advancements can be useful in our lives. The various projects that are constantly

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Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy: Volume I

Author : Lorenzo Jacobs

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781632381675

This book attempts to understand the multiple concepts and theories that fall under the umbrella of spectroscopy and how such advancements can be useful in our lives. The various projects that are constantly

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Encyclopedia of Scanning Electron Microscopy

Author : Lisa Page

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781632381668

This book focuses on various issues concerned with scanning electron microscopy, as well as its theoretical and practical applications. Fine focused electron and ion beams constitute(s) an inevitable part

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Encyclopedia of Rheology

Author : Eldra Lipton

Subject : Materials Science

ISBN :9781632381651

Detailed information on the vast field of rheology has been encompassed in this book. It provides in-depth knowledge about ongoing researches in the discipline of rheology. It aims to support scientists,

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Encyclopedia of Recrystallization: Volume II (Minerals and Pharmacology)

Author : Sylvia Dickey

Subject : Materials Science

ISBN :9781632381644

This book is a compilation of researches conducted by scientists on issues related to recrystallization. Various disciplines of science, like geology, metallurgy etc., in which recrystallization plays

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Encyclopedia of Recrystallization: Volume I (Metallic Minerals)

Author : Sylvia Dickey

Subject : Materials Science

ISBN :9781632381637

This book is a compilation of researches conducted by scientists on issues related to recrystallization. Various disciplines of science, like geology, metallurgy etc., in which recrystallization plays

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Encyclopedia of Quantum Mechanics: Volume 7 (Developments)

Author : Ian Plummer

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781632381620

The advancement of quantum mechanics has given physics a completely new direction from that of classical physics in the early days. In fact, there is a constant development in this subject of a very fundamental

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Encyclopedia of Quantum Mechanics: Volume 6 (Current Progress)

Author : Ian Plummer

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781632381613

The advancement of quantum mechanics has given physics a completely new direction from that of classical physics in the early days. In fact, there is a constant development in this subject of a very fundamental

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Encyclopedia of Quantum Mechanics: Volume 5 (Recent Advances)

Author : Ian Plummer

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781632381606

The advancement of quantum mechanics has given physics a completely new direction from that of classical physics in the early days. In fact, there is a constant development in this subject of a very fundamental

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Results 5921 - 5930 of 7198