Results 5171 - 5180 of 7198
Image Date Title

Agroecology and Pollination Management

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682863909

This book unfolds the innovative aspects of agro-ecology and pollination management, which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. It attempts to understand the multiple branches

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Agriculture and Fisheries Management

Author : Geoffrey Gilbert

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682864746

This book on agriculture and fisheries management deals with the scientific practice of maintaining a fishery with respect to sustainable and equitable development. Other natural resources that must be

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Acupuncture and Acupressure

Author : Patrick Lampard

Subject : Complementary and Alternative Medicine

ISBN :9781682864883

Acupuncture and acupressure are both widely practiced forms of alternative medicine. Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine that requires the insertion of needles to pre-determined pressure

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A Modern Approach to Ecology of Plants

Author : Austin Balfour

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781682863947

Plant Ecology is a vast field encompassing the study of environmental factors affecting the growth of plants. It also studies the interactions amongst plants as well as those of plants with the environment.

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A Clinician's Guide to Food Allergies

Author : Kevin Parker

Subject : Food Science, Health and Nutrition

ISBN :9781682864517

This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of food allergies. It discusses in detail about the various food allergies and their symptoms and treatment. Food allergies are caused by the abnormal

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Wildlife Habitats: Ecology, Environment and Conservation

Author : Kason Hurst

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682865385

Many endangered species rely on conservation for survival and growth. Habitat management seeks to conserve wildlife habitats for both plants and animals. Habitat fragmentation, reduction and extinction

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Weather Hazards Handbook

Author : Jonah Hedges

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682865590

Weather hazards are defined as extreme weather phenomena that can cause damage to people as well as surroundings. Some examples of extreme weather events include tornadoes, floods, storms, droughts, etc.

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Water Resources Engineering: Planning and Management

Author : Ellie Legrand

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682866191

Water is the most abundant resource on our planet, but fresh water is scarce. The need of fresh, useful and drinkable water is increasing rapidly but the resources are not. Thus, water resource planning

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Water Pollution: Types, Causes and Management Strategies

Author : Sheryl McMillan

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682865453

Water pollution is a major form of environmental degradation. The primary causes of water pollution are pathogens, chemicals released from factories, sewage, etc. Water pollution is classified into three

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Waste Management and Environmental Concerns

Author : Dave Whittaker

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781682865613

Waste is any material or byproduct that has either been discarded after use or is of no use. The management, collection, transportation and treatment of waste is known as waste management. The growing

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Results 5171 - 5180 of 7198