Results 4671 - 4680 of 7198
Image Date Title

Aerodynamics for Engineers

Author : Noah Stokes

Subject : Engineering and Technology

ISBN :9781682859490

The field of physics, which studies the motion of air, primarily in conjunction with its interactions with a solid object is known as aerodynamics. Some of the forces, which are studied within this discipline

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Advertising: A Marketing Perspective

Author : Alvin Moran

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781682859308

The promotion or sale of a product, service or idea through an openly sponsored and non-personal message is known as advertising. It is usually sponsored by businesses that want to promote their products

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Advances in Mathematical Physics

Author : Lucas Morgan

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781682857892

Mathematical physics is concerned with developing mathematical methods to apply to problems in physics. It is a broad field that is distinguished by the blending of physics and pure mathematics. Its primary

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Advances in Hydraulic Engineering

Author : Lilly Martin

Subject : Engineering and Technology

ISBN :9781682858066

A sub-discipline of civil engineering that is concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids like water and sewage is known as hydraulic engineering. The force driving the movement of these fluids is

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Advanced Social Psychology

Author : Heather Moore

Subject : Social Sciences

ISBN :9781682858400

The scientific study of how the imagined, actual and implied presence of others influence an individual's feelings, behaviors and thoughts is referred to as social psychology. It studies and measures the

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Accounting: Principles and Practices

Author : Hollie Montgomery

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781682857809

The processing, communication and measurement of financial as well as non-financial information regarding economic entities like businesses and corporations is referred to as accounting. It is often termed

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A Modern Approach to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Author : Olivia Johnson

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781682857625

Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and managing a business. The concept of entrepreneurship may be extended to encompass the capacity to identify a business opportunity, acquire and

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Wildlife Conservation and Management

Author : Martin Winter

Subject : Zoology

ISBN :9781682861578

Wildlife conservation and management is increasingly becoming a subject of great interest and value. The significance of wildlife conservation came into light few decades back when ecologists noticed the

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Wildlife Biology

Author : Martin Winter

Subject : Zoology

ISBN :9781682863213

Wildlife biology is gaining significance all over the world. The study of all species of animals and their habitats has fascinated scientists for many years. This book covers the existing theories and

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White Biotechnology

Author : Suzy Hill

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781682860601

White biotechnology is concerned with the practical application of biotechnology in industries. Biofuel production, catabolism, biodegradation of hazardous chemicals, etc. are some of the crucial industrial

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Results 4671 - 4680 of 7198