Results 4601 - 4610 of 7198
Image Date Title

Handbook of Particle Technology

Author : Daniel Santiago

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781682859674

The branch of science which deals with the handling and processing of particles and powders is termed as particle technology. It deals with the production, modification, handling and usage of a broad range

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Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction

Author : Samuel Wallace

Subject : Computer and Information Science

ISBN :9781682857601

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of human-computer interaction through interfaces. Such an interaction is analogous to human-to-human interaction. Graphical user interfaces and multi-modal

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Handbook of Development in Education

Author : Sidney Berry

Subject : Education

ISBN :9781682858448

The process of facilitating learning as well as the acquisition of skills, values and beliefs is known as education. There are various educational methods such as storytelling, teaching, training and discussion.

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Handbook of Counseling Psychology

Author : Kate Erickson

Subject : Social Sciences

ISBN :9781682858318

Counseling psychology is applied in various domains such as the counseling process and its outcome, career development, supervision, training, and prevention and health. It also focuses on various themes

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Handbook of Comparative Psychology

Author : Talia Gomez

Subject : Social Sciences

ISBN :9781682857953

The scientific field which focuses on the study of mental behaviour and processes of non-human animals is referred to as comparative psychology. It explores the behavior of various species ranging from

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Handbook of Applied Physics

Author : Faith Sherman

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781682859681

Applied physics deals with the application of the principles of physics for solving practical and technological problems. It is also involved in the application of physics to other areas of science. Applied

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Handbook of Alloys

Author : Lilly Armstrong

Subject : Materials Science

ISBN :9781682859568

The combination of a metal with another metal or nonmetal is known as an alloy. The resulting substance has properties which are often different from the original materials. The new material might have

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Green Chemistry: Advanced Principles and Techniques

Author : Simon Doyle

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781682858097

Green chemistry is a field of chemistry and chemical engineering that deals with the designing of products. It focuses on the processes that eliminate the use and production of harmful substances. Green

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Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Author : Mason Harris

Subject : Business and Management

ISBN :9781682858028

A supply chain refers to a system of people, activities, organizations, resources and information that are involved in the movement of a product or service from a supplier to the end customer. The activities

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General Relativity and Cosmology

Author : Benjamin Phillips

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781682857588

General relativity is the theory of gravitation which provides a complete description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time. The understanding of how matter and radiation warps the geometry

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Results 4601 - 4610 of 7198