Results 371 - 380 of 7198
Image Date Title

Encyclopedia of Herbicides: Volume V (Case Studies)

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392596

Both in agricultural and non-crop settings, herbicides have found utility in weed management strategies universally. However, applications and methodologies have been continually undergoing advancements.

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Encyclopedia of Herbicides: Volume IV (Environmental and Management Approaches)

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392589

This book presents an overview on the impact of weeds on crop production and the use of herbicides to curb their negative influence on crop yield. Weeds have an adverse impact on crop quality and yield.

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Encyclopedia of Herbicides: Volume III (Weed Control)

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392572

This book covers herbicidal control of weeds in an in-depth manner. It discusses numerous techniques used by herbicides for controlling a particular weed population. The objective of this book is to showcase

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Encyclopedia of Herbicides: Volume II (Properties and Synthesis)

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392565

This book covers topics of synthesis and various properties of herbicides in an in-depth manner. It outlines the detailed studies of various synthetic pathways of specific herbicides and the physical and

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Encyclopedia of Herbicides: Volume I (Methods and Mode of Action)

Author : Molly Ismay

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392558

Herbicide use is an essential part of agricultural practices for optimizing crop production these days. This book broadly covers the mechanisms of herbicidal action, mode of action of certain herbicides

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Encyclopedia of Genetic Diversity in Plants: Volume III (Molecular Studies)

Author : Harvey Parker

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781632392541

The molecular studies in the field of genetic diversity in plants are discussed in this all-inclusive book. It provides information that examines the magnitude of genetic variations in plant populations.

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Encyclopedia of Genetic Diversity in Plants: Volume II (Advanced Concepts)

Author : Harvey Parker

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781632392534

An examination of genetic diversity in plants on the basis of research-focused information has been described in this book. Genetic diversity is of central importance to the continuity of a species as

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Encyclopedia of Genetic Diversity in Plants: Volume I (Research and Analysis)

Author : Harvey Parker

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781632392527

Analysis of genetic diversity in plants on the basis of research-focused information has been elucidated in this book. Genetic diversity is of central importance to the continuity of a species as it presents

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Encyclopedia of Fungicides: Volume III (Plant Disease Management)

Author : Chris Frost

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392510

The role of fungicides in plant disease management has been described in this comprehensive book. It includes the varied approaches of fungicide applications and its results. It describes the functioning

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Encyclopedia of Fungicides: Volume II (Benefits and Drawbacks)

Author : Chris Frost

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781632392503

The book primarily illuminates both the benefits as well as drawbacks of fungicides. Over the past few years, a lot of pesticides have been formulated to kill pests, and fungicides are one of these. They

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Results 371 - 380 of 7198