Results 3741 - 3750 of 7198
Image Date Title

Physiology of Sport and Exercise

Author : Jeremy Browning

Subject : Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781641725088

The physiology of physical exercise is known as exercise physiology. It includes the study of acute responses and chronic adaptations to exercise. It closely observes and examines the effects of exercise

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Physical Education, Exercise Science and Sport

Author : Liam Owens

Subject : Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781641725026

The study of the working of a healthy human body during exercise is known as sports and exercise science. It also studies the impact of sport and physical activity on improving health, and performance

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Physical Chemistry

Author : Diana Lucas

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781641724616

The study of macroscopic, subatomic, atomic and particulate phenomena related to chemical systems is referred to as physical chemistry. It is primarily concerned with the application of principles, concepts

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Photovoltaic Systems

Author : Jaime Hunter

Subject : Energy

ISBN :9781641724111

The conversion of sunlight into electricity is known as photovoltaic. A power system, which is designed to supply the usable solar power through photovoltaics is referred to as a photovoltaic system. It

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Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Author : Dakota Rooney

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781641723916

Organic and inorganic chemistry are sub-disciplines of chemistry that study organic and inorganic compounds respectively. Organic chemistry studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds.

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Author : Wyatt Cox

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641723848

Oceanography deals with the study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. It is a vast field that covers various topics such as geophysical fluid dynamics, ecosystem dynamics, waves, ocean

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Number Theory

Author : Jude Randall

Subject : Mathematics and Statistics

ISBN :9781641724159

The branch of pure mathematics that primarily deals with the study of the integers and integer-valued functions is referred to as number theory. It includes the study of prime numbers as well as the properties

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Nuclear Engineering Handbook

Author : Lindsay Garfield

Subject : Engineering and Technology

ISBN :9781641724784

The branch of engineering which deals with the application of different sub-atomic processes based on the principles of nuclear physics is known as nuclear engineering. The two primary sub-atomic processes,

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Nuclear Chemistry

Author : Johnny Hofstader

Subject : Chemistry

ISBN :9781641724609

The branch of chemistry which deals with nuclear processes, radioactivity and transformations in the nuclei of atoms is called nuclear chemistry. Some of the transformations studied within it are nuclear

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Modern Particle Physics

Author : Alivia Snow

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781641723947

Particle physics is a branch of physics that focuses on the study of nature of those particles which constitute matter and radiation. It explores the smallest detectable particles and the fundamental interactions

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Results 3741 - 3750 of 7198