Results 221 - 230 of 7198
Image Date Title

Handbook of Muscle Cells and Tissues

Author : Carsten Cooper

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394057

An elucidative account based on muscle cells and tissues has been presented to the readers in this book. It deals with basic aspects of contractile mechanism in skeletal and smooth muscle cells and also

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Handbook of Milk Proteins

Author : Caroline Gardner

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394040

A detailed account based on milk proteins has been highlighted in this profound book. It provides comprehensive information on a wide range of topics related to milk proteins. The content provided within

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Handbook of Lipids: Volume II

Author : Kyle Walker

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394033

This book on lipids is a compilation of topics that will introduce the readers to a thorough study of lipids, covering the characteristics of lipids, their occurrence in natural and artificial state among

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Handbook of Lipids: Volume I

Author : Kyle Walker

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394026

This book on lipids is a compilation of topics that will introduce the readers to a thorough study of lipids, covering the characteristics of lipids, their occurrence in natural and artificial state among

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Handbook of Lipid Metabolism

Author : Donna Thompson

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781632394019

Lipids are essential components of our diet because of their important contribution in energy, representing 9 kcal/g (or 37.7 kJ/g), and by some components relevant to the metabolism, such as essential

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Handbook of Landscape Architecture: Volume III

Author : Alex Vedder

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632390028

Landscape architecture focuses on designing public spaces for varied purposes. This sort of method requires an inquiry into social, ecological, and geological circumstances and procedures in the landscape,

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Handbook of Landscape Architecture: Volume II

Author : Alex Vedder

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632390011

Landscape architecture focuses on designing public spaces for varied purposes. This sort of method requires an inquiry into social, ecological, and geological circumstances and procedures in the landscape,

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Handbook of Landscape Architecture: Volume I

Author : Alex Vedder

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632390004

Landscape architecture focuses on designing public spaces for varied purposes. This sort of method requires an inquiry into social, ecological, and geological circumstances and procedures in the landscape,

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Handbook of Industrial Waste

Author : Victor Bonn

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781632394002

An elucidative account on industrial waste has been highlighted in this book. It focuses on the need for development of disposal methods for industrial wastes from various kinds of industries. It is based

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Handbook of Geodetic Science

Author : Russell Sands

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781632393999

Geodetic science is described as a branch of earth sciences and applied mathematics. Space geodetic techniques like global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), very long baseline interferometry (VLBI),

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Results 221 - 230 of 7198