Results 1341 - 1350 of 7198
Image Date Title

Animal Science: Production and Management of Farm Animals

Author : Ashlie Archer

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641162449

Animal science is the science concerned with the production and management of animals with potential human benefit. Farm animals like livestock and poultry are raised for milk, meat, eggs and other items.

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Animal Health and Welfare

Author : Dennis Cameron

Subject : Zoology

ISBN :9781641164702

Animal health refers to a concept in agriculture which is involved in ensuring that farm animals are healthy, cared for and free from diseases. It also deals with the implementation of government policies

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An Integrated Approach to Genomics

Author : Joel White

Subject : Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology

ISBN :9781641163118

Genes are the functional units of heredity that direct the production of proteins. The field of genomics is concerned with the collective quantification and characterization of genes, as well as the analysis

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Agroecosystems: An Ecological Perspective

Author : Bella Harper

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641162913

The basic unit of study in agroecology is known as an agroecosystem. It is defined as a functionally and spatially coherent unit of agricultural activity. It comprises of both the living as well as the

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Agroecology: Agroecosystems and Sustainability

Author : Bella Harper

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163354

The study of ecological processes that are applied to agricultural production is referred to as agroecology. The basic unit of study in agroecology is an agroecosystem. The study of living and non-living

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Agricultural Science: A Global Overview

Author : Oliver Adams

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163057

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock. Various foods, fuels, fibers and raw materials are cultivated. Modern agriculture relies on intensive farming practices. Conventional agricultural

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Agricultural Marketing

Author : Albert Maxwell

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641162951

Agricultural marketing deals with the services involved in the movement of agricultural products from the farm to the consumer. It is concerned with the planning, organizing, directing and handling of

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Advances in Petroleum Science and Technology

Author : Natalie Mitchell

Subject : Energy

ISBN :9781641163521

Petroleum is a substance that occurs naturally in a yellowish-black form. It is found in a liquid form in the geological formations underneath the Earth's surface. It includes all solid, liquid and gaseous

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Advances in Molecular Biophysics

Author : Keira O'Donnell

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781641162784

Molecular biophysics is an interdisciplinary domain of research which combines the principles of physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering and biology. It aims to explain bimolecular systems and biological

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Advances in Kinesiology and Sports Science

Author : Tilly Martin

Subject : Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISBN :9781641163378

The scientific study of human and non-human movement is known as kinesiology. It encompasses the physiological, psychological and biochemical dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement. The branch of

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Results 1341 - 1350 of 7198