Results 1271 - 1280 of 7198
Image Date Title

Introduction to Veterinary Science

Author : Kian Churchill

Subject : Veterinary Science and Medicine

ISBN :9781641164658

The field of science which deals with different aspects of animal health is known as veterinary science. Some of these aspects are genetics, microbiology, breeding, livestock management, meat products

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Introduction to Petroleum Engineering

Author : James Cameron

Subject : Energy

ISBN :9781641164566

The branch of engineering, which deals with the processes related to the production of hydrocarbons is known as petroleum engineering. These hydrocarbons could either be in the form of natural gas or crude

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Introduction to Landscape Architecture

Author : Marvin Conner

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164351

Landscape architecture is involved in the designing of outdoor areas, landmarks and structures in order to achieve environmental and social-behavioral outcomes. It focuses on the systematic investigation

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Introduction to Horticulture

Author : Damien Miller

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641164399

The agriculture of plants primarily for food, materials and beauty is termed as horticulture. It involves the cultivation and processing of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. It also includes

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Introduction to Ecology

Author : Curtis Carson

Subject : Environmental Sciences

ISBN :9781641164597

The field of biology which focuses on the interactions between the biophysical environment and the organisms which dwell in it is known as ecology. It is closely related to the sciences of genetics, ethology

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Introduction to Developmental Biology

Author : Francis Collins

Subject : Biological Sciences

ISBN :9781641164078

The study of the processes through which plants and animals grow and develop is referred to as developmental biology. It encompasses various areas of study such as biology of regeneration, metamorphosis,

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Introduction to Cartography

Author : Caroline Rivera

Subject : Earth and Planetary Sciences

ISBN :9781641164122

The study and practice of making maps is referred to as cartography. It is mainly concerned with the modeling of reality such that effective communication can take place regarding spatial information.

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Introduction to Botany

Author : Melody Sawyer

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163859

Botany is a biological field which focuses on the study of plant life. It makes use of diverse techniques and methods such as optical microscopy, live-cell imaging, analysis of chromosome number, electron

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Insecticides and Pesticides: Methods for Crop Protection

Author : Zoe Wordsworth

Subject : Agricultural Sciences

ISBN :9781641163873

Insecticides and pesticides are substances that are used to kill insects and control pests respectively. Insecticides involve the usage of ovicides against the eggs of the insects and larvicides against

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Author : Royce Shaw

Subject : Energy

ISBN :9781641164375

Hydropower refers to the power that is obtained from the energy of falling and fast running water. It is a renewable energy source which can be used for irrigation and the operation of various mechanical

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Results 1271 - 1280 of 7198