Callisto Reference
Earth and Planetary Sciences
155 $
Planetology refers to the study of planets, especially earth; meteoroids, planetary systems, primarily the ones in our Solar system and other celestial bodies. It deals with studying the composition, formation, dynamics and history of these celestial bodies. It collaborates earth science, astronomy, planetary geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, glaciology, exoplanetology, among many other disciplines. This book traces the recent progresses made in this field. It brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of this subject. The various advancements of planetology are glanced at and their applications as well as ramifications are looked at in a detailed manner. Those with an interest in the field of planetology and earth science will find this book helpful. It will prove to be a beneficial guide for students, planetologists, climatologists, astronomists, engineers and researchers alike.